About Us

Hi, I'm Adam




Hey there, my name is Adam, a co-founder of MegaFund101. I'm thrilled to have partnered with other investment professionals to create this comprehensive course that provides aspiring real estate investors with the tools and knowledge they need to break into in the industry.

My background in real estate private equity began after I completed my degree in finance from a top-tier university. I spent years working for a prestigious private equity firm in London, where I had the opportunity to work on numerous complex real estate deals. Combined, my partners and I closed over $10bn of deals during our time in the industry.


Why Create This Course?


While I was working in Real Estate private equity, I noticed that there was a significant gap in the skill level of prospective candidates trying to break into the industry. Although many came from top backgrounds, the weakness in Real Estate fundamentals and lack of correct modelling training was evident. I realized that I could help fill this gap by sharing my experience and expertise with others.

That's when I decided to create Megafund101. I partnered with other investment professionals to provide a comprehensive resource that covers all aspects of real estate preparation.

Through our Real Estate course, we share our collective knowledge and provide step-by-step walkthroughs of all our models. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced investor, our course will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to excel in real estate investing and ace interviews and modelling tests.

We're passionate about sharing our expertise with others and are excited to be a part of your journey towards securing a role at a top Real Estate firm!

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Take this course and become a member of our successful Real Estate community!